Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Social Networking Sites

These days it's hard for people to connect without some form of Social Networking. I'll be honest, I also use Social Networking, so here are my thoughts on some of these websites.

I've used Facebook since 2010 and since then, it has been my go to site to connect with family and friends. However, in the past few years, I stopped flocking to Facebook because after some point, I lost interest in the countless stories that ended up in my newsfeed. I only ever use Facebook these days to just chat with friends who don't have texting and it's usually on my phone via the Facebook Messenger app. I was tired of being swamped with game requests, pokes and what not so I just gradually cut down on my access to the site. I only ever log in the site ever so often and I hardly post anything at all. Until my friends decide to get texting or find a different way to communicate with me, I'm stuck with Facebook.

I never really flirted with the idea of having a Twitter account until my last year in high school. When I did end up making a Twitter, I didn't have many followers, seldom tweeted and really just read other tweets. Needless to say, the account didn't really last. Even after taking this class, I'm not entirely swoon with having Twitter. Perhaps my outlook will change as we progress through the rest of the semester, but so far, I'm not convinced. We'll see how it goes...

Back in 2006, Myspace was a thing. Now...not so much... Either way, I wasn't sold on it then and I'm not sold on it now. I've had an aversion to Myspace growing up as I heard lots of news stories of misrepresentation of identity and serious crimes being committed as a result so that fueled my fear of Social Networking at the time especially with Myspace. Now I look at it as a failed website just desperately looking for visitors. I find the layout of content to be confusing as it's all over the place. It's not streamlined and not easy on the eyes despite its refined look. With information scattered about and no form of organization, I find it to be almost irrelevant. We live in a society that prefers simplicity and organization, and in my opinion, Myspace fails to deliver. Quite frankly, who even uses Myspace these days?

I've been using LinkedIn for the past two years now to build myself professionally and branch out for potential job opportunities. I find LinkedIn to be an excellent resource for people to connect and think that receiving endorsements for skills from connections is invaluable and irrefutable as compared to writing skills down on a resume. It is the exact opposite of any other Social Networking Site out in the world as it makes a clear distinction from work and play that other websites have not quite been able to do. Overall, LinkedIn seems to be an invaluable asset for career growth and development.

If you have any thoughts or questions, leave them down in the comments below.

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